Welcome to 21C Afterschool at Rundlett Middle School
The 21C Before and Afterschool Program at Rundlett Middle School has just been awarded a third Nita M Lowey 21st Century community Learning Center grant for the upcoming five year cycle, 2022-2027!
Dear Families
As you work to plan afterschool activities for your student(s) for the coming school year, we want to inform you that the 21C Afterschool Program will be inviting students based on need in a variety of categories. We will need a commitment that students will attend a minimum of four afternoons. 21C is seen as an intervention and is grant funded, we must adhere to federal and state requirements when enrolling students. We will be sending out invitiations, the first round of invitations by the first week of August. We will accept invited students into the Program on a first repsonse basis. We will be accepting 50-60 students, after which we will begin our waitlist. Programming is currently scheduled to begin September 12, 2022 and will run 3:30 - 5:30 pm.
Mornings will be open registration and fun from 7:15 to 8:15.
Thank you.